Yellow Ribbon launched in the Garden Island

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The cutting of the Yellow Ribbon cake at the launching in Taveuni.

Hundreds turned up today at the Wairiki Parish Grounds in Taveuni Island to participate in the last launch of the Yellow Ribbon Program for 2014.
In officiating at the launching, Father Petero Tagidrau of Wairiki Parish reminded everyone that giving a second chance is paramount if we all want to be part of building a better Fiji.
“Today’s event is a special occasion for the Garden island of Fiji as it is the only location in Vanua Levu to launch the program for 2014.”
“I am proud today, as chief guest to reveal to one and all that our island of Taveuni is fully participating in all three operational pillars of the Yellow Ribbon Program. Awareness, Acceptance and inspiring action in support of offenders by the community,” added Father Tagidrau.
He added that most of the schools in Taveuni as well as communities have been visited by the Yellow Ribbon Program team for awareness sessions.
“The presence of students in large numbers today is the result of the vigorous proactive awareness on the Yellow Ribbon program.”
Speaking on behalf of the Fiji Corrections Service, Director Rehabilitation for the Fiji Corrections Service, Deputy Superintendent, Salote Panapsa said that the corrections service can develop and implement the world’s best rehabilitation programmes within the institutions but without the support of the communities and families, all efforts will be in vain.
“I plead with you all, please take hold of your roles to accept and forgive your sons and daughters who have broken the law. Some may have brought shame to your family names, your beliefs and even your province. I make a plea once again on behalf of our Government and the Fiji Corrections Service to please forgive them. Those who are still under our care and those who are already within your midst,” said Mrs. Panapasa.
“A major cause of inmate’s offence is the lack of proper care, teaching, guidance, mentoring and support within the families. The sad lack of parental care through disjointed families is a major cause of their offending behavior.”
The Yellow Ribbon Program launch in Taveuni is the last for 2014. The FCS is looking forward to launching the program in areas around the country that have not had any launchings so far.
Meanwhile, there are currently 1513 inmates including two babies that are incarcerated in the 13 institutions around the country.

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