Stand Tall, Stand Proud: PM Rabuka

RA Province on board with FCS
March 20, 2023
Vanuatu Corrections Visits FCS
April 24, 2023
25 March 2023

“You have gone through the mill, so you must stand proud and stand tall.”

These were the words of the Hon. Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka as he addressed new recruits at Naboro on Friday, 24 March, 2023.

“You have done your training, you should be proud that you now wear that uniform and the nation looks to you to look after those that come in here for corrections, and to be reabsorbed back into society.”

PM Rabuka said they demonstrated the achievements not only of themselves but also the officers, men and women, who have participated in their training over the last 10 weeks.

“You are now graduating to become a part of this very important segment of law enforcement, particularly Correctional Services for the people and the nation of Fiji.”

He reminded them that they had all volunteered for this, some of them within the last 10 weeks must have thought maybe they should have stayed at home, but in that 10 weeks 52 of them started not knowing how challenging the 10 weeks would become.

Rabuka added that throughout the history of Fiji and the history of the world, even in the bible, there are so many people who have worked under officers of their status, of their calling, to become great leaders in their nations.

He reminded them of Nelson Mandela who brought about the basic rules on the treatment of prisoners internationally now known as the Mandela Rules.

He reminded all graduates to always abide by the rule of law.

The Hon. Prime Minister concluded his stay in Naboro with a tour to the special business units to observes the work of rehabilitation conducted in Naboro.


Best Recruit in Drill – 7369 COC Laisiasa Radrodro who hails from Nacavanadi, Gau in Lomaiviti.

Best Recruit in Physical Training – 73874 COC Apisai Gonewai from Tonia, Vugalei, Tailevu

Best Detachment Drill Award – Detachment 01 to Detachment Sergeant COB Alipate Gagabalavu from Mabula, Cicia in Lau.

Baton of Honour for exceptional performance in theoretical and practical aspects of all training –  73759 COC Iokimi Dia from Kalokolevu, Suva, Rewa.


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