Prime Minister’s trophy tours corrections facilities

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FCS senior officers and subordinates celebrating after the recent win at the Service Excellence Awards when the department won the Prime Minister's Award.

The huge win by the Fiji Corrections Service at the recent Service Excellence Awards has signified that standards have been set and needs to be maintained by the department.

This was the message by the Assistant Commissioner of Corrections, Superintendent Jo Kulidilo after the trophy was transferred from Naboro Corrections to Suva Corrections Centre in Korovou.

Speaking to senior officers and subordinates, Mr. Kulidilo said that it is imperative that the FCS wins the title again next year.

“We have set the standards for the other Government departments and we have become the first department to ever achieve this award,” said Mr. Kulidilo.

“We must now sustain the great work that we have been carrying out so far and also lift our standards to another level.”

The trophy was taken to Naboro Corrections facility straight after the win and will now spend a week at the Suva Corrections Centre before it will be taken to the remaining centres around the country.

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