OHS training for FCS

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OHS officers of the FCS during the workshop this morning at the Enterprise Outlet in Suva....

The Fiji Corrections Service (FCS) is strengthening its Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) standards in all its 13 institutions around the country.

This morning, 32 officers of the FCS started their three day’s workshop on “Workplace Health Environment” at the FCS Enterprise Outlet situated in the Suva Corrections Compound.

In opening the workshop, Deputy Commissioner of Corrections, Akuila Namakadre told the participants that they will be the ones to oversee all OHS issues in their respective units.

“It is imperative that you work with your management in order to address issues that concerns OHS because of the work environment where your fellow officers are exposed to as well as inmates and visitors,” explained Mr Namakadre.

“The safety of the workplace is paramount especially as we look after inmates. We need to have all the OHS issues ironed out so that all officers and inmates are protected at all times within the institutions,” he added.

The workshop which is being facilitated by the Ministry of Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations will run for four weeks with different officers participating every week.

OHS representatives in the Western and Northern Divisions will also have the opportunity to undertake the OHS training.


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