Officers reminded of the importance of their roles

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October 10, 2014
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October 24, 2014

Commissioner of Corrections, Lt.Colonel Ifereimi Vasu address officers at the 3rd Quarter Command Group in Naboro.

Officers of FCS to work effectively

Officers of the Fiji Corrections Service have been reminded to carry out their tasks diligently and effectively for the last quarter of this year.

Speaking at the Commissioner’s Parade yesterday afternoon in Naboro to more than 400 officers, Commissioner of Corrections, Lieutenant Colonel Ifereimi Vasu reminded the officers that the FCS must ensure that it maintains the standard of work that was carried out from the beginning of the year.

“The Prime Minister’s Award that we earned at the recent Service Excellence Awards is testimony of the fact that we are on the right track and we can only continue with the good work in the months and years ahead of us,” said Mr Vasu.

“We are embarking on a new journey now with the strengthening of ties between our Rehabilitation and Operations Unit and this is to ensure that the needs of those under our care will be addressed appropriately through vigorous training and counseling,” added Mr Vasu.

“Our priority is the safety and security of the officers and those under our care so we must work smartly and ensure that our performance for the remainder of the year is of the highest standards.”

He also conveyed his gratitude for the support and commitment from the families of the officers as well as the inmates in ensuring that the FCS continues with its excellent performance.

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