Officers leave for training stint in Australia

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From left: Physical Training Instructor Ananaiasa Vucago, Assistant Commissioner (Ops) Jo Kulinidilo, Assistant Commissioner (Admin) Apimeleki Taukei and Training Academy Commandant Josua Dausiga.

TWO officers of the Fiji Corrections Service were this week hosted to a farewell as they prepare for a training stint with the Queensland Corrective Services in Australia.

FCS training academy commandant Josua Dausiga and physical training instructor Ananaiasa Vucago were hosted to afternoon tea by the FCS team at headquarters in Suva.

Assistant Commissioner (Administration) Apimeleki Taukei said there was a need to improve knowledge and experience and expressed hopes the men would take the opportunity to learn as much as they could.

“There are a lot of good things to learn in order to elevate the standards of the institution. We hope that when you return you will apply what you have learnt to your work at the FCS,” he said.

Mr Taukei also reminded the men to uphold the integrity of the FCS during their 10-week stay.

Mr Dausiga said the objective of the trip was to observe the recruitment training and programs in Queensland.

“We will be there to observe how they do things and whatever is relevant to our work here, that’s what we intend to bring back and incorporate into our local training practice. We will also be looking at other programs, mainly management and leadership, so we can improve our service.”

Echoing similar remarks, Mr Vucago said he looked forward to the training and the change they could bring about within the FCS when they returned.

The men will leave the country this week.


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