New Life Exhibition a big hit

Assemblies of God Church now on board with FCS
March 28, 2021
Farewell Comrades!
October 1, 2021

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

The Fiji Corrections Service New Life Art Exhibition held at the Grand Pacific Hotel from April 8-11, 2021 was a big hit.

The Chief guest, his Excellency, the honorable speaker of the house Ratu Epeli Nailatikau said the New Life Exhibition, Tagimoucia Gallery, and the development of artists in our corrections centres are indeed an incredibly positive and tangible outcome of the Yellow Ribbon Project.

“It is a fact that art has been mainstreamed into the rehabilitation work of corrections centres. The wonderful paintings, carvings and other works of art produced through the Tagimoucia Gallery and exhibitions such as these portray the excellent creative potential that exists behind the corrections centre walls,’’ he said.

“This is not just about art, but about your desire to learn and develop an important skill which has the great potential to help sustain and support you when the time comes for your return to the community.”

“I thank Commander Kean for the invitation to this important event that showcases the beautiful handiwork of the artists and for Commander Kean’s continued leadership especially after taking over from where his predecessor Major General Iowane Naivalurua left off and ensuring that the Tagimoucia Gallery and the arts initiative in our correction centres continue to be supported and sustained.

“I also wish to pay tribute to Mrs Jane Ricketts, the arts teacher of the Fiji Corrections Service for her voluntarism, dedication and inspirational leadership to the budding artists in the correction centres over many years.

“In addition, a big vinaka vakalevu to Mr Irami Buli for joining Mrs Ricketts and bringing some new insights and energy into the Tagimoucia Gallery initiative.

“But let us not forget, and equally thank the other volunteers, businesses, families, and individuals who have been supporting the artists and the Yellow Ribbon Project over the years. I must not forget the artists who are here today.”

All new art pieces can be now viewed or brought at the Tagimoucia Art Gallery at the FCS facility in Korovou, Walu Bay.






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