Inmates graduate after month long training

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The graduands with their certificates and senior officers of FCS as well as Program Providers after the graduation at Suva Corrections Centre.

Twenty Eight inmates graduated this morning (14th November) at the Suva Corrections Centre in Korovou after completing a month long training.

This is the Pilot project for the Fiji Corrections Service in terms of packaged training which is just the first phase to assist and strengthen the rehabilitation of inmates that are currently incarcerated.

In closing the training, Supervisor of the Central/Eastern Division, Superintendent Sakiusa Veiwili said that the training signifies the important step that the FCS is taking in order for the full rehabilitation of the inmates.

“You must consider yourselves fortunate that you have been chosen to pilot this programme and this is just the beginning,” said Mr Veiwili.

“We hope that the four modules of training that you have learnt will help you understand where you have gone wrong and encourage you to be better citizens once you are released back into your communities,” he added.

The graduating inmates will then be transferred to other corrections institutions where they will undergo three more phases of packaged training which will eventually see them participating in hands on training in areas such as crop farming, poultry farming, bakery and tailoring.

“Of course this will depend on you and I hope when transferred to other institutions, you will be able to put into practice what you have learnt here during your month-long training,” stressed Mr Veiwili.

Mr Veiwili added that more inmates will undergo the same training in the weeks ahead.

The inmates also underwent foot drills training which is aimed at teaching them to listen to instructions, live a disciplined life as well as learn to work as a team.

Program providers who are currently employed by the FCS have been training the inmates in modules such as the Alpha Programme, True Identity Program, Celebrate Recovery Program, Mental Toughness Program and Awareness on HIV/AIDS Program.

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