FCS, stakeholders form working committee

National planning reps touch base with FCS
January 27, 2016
Farm day at Naboro
January 30, 2016

Fiji Police Force staff members that were also present at the discussion regarding the re- integration of inmates, at the Enterprise outlet, Korovou.

A WORKING committee has been formed by the Fiji Corrections Service and relevant stakeholders following a discussion regarding the re-integration of inmates.

This as the Fiji Corrections Service looks to improve the process of re-integration and maintain the low rate of recidivism.

Relevant government agencies and other stakeholders were in attendance at the discussion that was held at the enterprise outlet at Korovou in Suva yesterday.

FCS Director Rehabilitation Sakiusa Veiwili said the discussion was successful as they were able to achieve their resolution to establish a working committee.

“We presented our framework to them and we were also able to identify areas where the most support is needed. The committee will spearhead the re-integration process of inmates.

“We have been tasked by government to work from the inside and we need the other agencies to assist and monitor the re-integration process after the inmate is released.”

He said the theme of yesterday’s discussion was Partnership in Collaboration and they were please to have lived up to it.

“We need them on board and likewise, they need us. We come together for a common cause and that is for the sake of the inmates’ successful re-integration.”


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