FCS Annual inspection rounds off in Labasa

FCS Inspection team arrives in Taveuni
September 25, 2023
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September 25, 2023
11 July, 2023
Commissioner Salote Panapasa, ended her hectic 4-weeks long facility inspection covering the 17 facilities of the Fiji Corrections Service around the country.
The Northern tour beginning from Taveuni and rounding off in Labasa ended this afternoon with her 12 member inspection team checking on Governments investment and reviewing operational issues and prisoner welfare in Labasa.
The inspection ended with a talanoa session with the Labasa FCS family where everyone sat back, and enjoyed an evening of socialising and kava well into the night.
She shared with everyone the growing concerns within the FCS from the new Government budget, improvements in working conditions, support from spouses and the new trends in criminal behaviour which impacts the work of Corrections.
Like in Taveuni, the previous evening, she also highlighted the new projects in the pipeline and what to look forward to in future.
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