Easter Service for Corrections

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The Fiji Correction Service conducted a special Easter Church Service for its members in the Southern and Eastern Division on Thursday morning, March 29 in Naboro.

Fiji Corrections Service Chaplain Reverend Josefa Tikonatabua shared a special bible verse from John 12:24 for officers and staff of the FCS to reflect on over the Easter period.

“The Book of John states –  Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds,’’ said Rev Tikonatabua.

“In our case this verse reflects on what we should be doing in life and at work rather than what we would like to be doing.

Rev Tikonatabua shared that many officers in leadership are always engrossed in their own class of ranks that they forget to come down to their subordinates to touch base with them and help them grow.

“So always remember, where ever you are in the sky you must always remember that there will be a time when you must come back down to the ground.

‘In another sense of the word, a kernel of wheat falling into the ground is also a symbol; for one of the greatest miracles of life is watching how the soil helps to give life to a single seed and nurtures it into a beautiful living plant.

“So do not look badly at the challenges we go through, these are all part of Gods plans to help us grow like a kernel of wheat that falls into the ground, dies and brings forth more new seeds, in this case bring forth a better person.”

“We have to go through challenges in life because it helps take away the bad and negative thing that often holds us back.”

“I wish you and all your families a Happy Easter Weekend.’

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