Yellow Ribbon Artist Wins USP Competition

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Friday 20 July, 2018

TAGIMOUCIA Art Gallery artist Aisake Amoe was named the most outstanding artist at a  art exhibition held this week.

The art competition and exhibition was organized to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the University of the South Pacific and invited submissions from the 12-member countries of USP.

Amoe with fellow artist from the Tagimoucia Art Gallery, Pauliasi Delaibatiki both made the cut for the 8-finalists whose works of art were exhibited at the new Oceania Arts Center Gallery which also opened this week.

Both Amoe and Delaibatiki are inmates at the Suva Corrections Center and are part of the Fiji Corrections Service Rehabilitation Programs at the art gallery. The artworks submitted needed to be original and framed around the theme “Celebrating the Pacific, Shaping the Future.”

Amoe’s piece titled “Fast Track,” depicted the many things happening around the Pacific today. It took him 2 weeks to complete.

In his painting brief, Amoe stated that, “… in order for people to unite under one banner to achieve one common goal, they must first break down barriers and that many of the problems people have are within them and that making choices was a personal decision.”

Deputy Commissioner of Corrections Senior Superintendent Apimeleki Taukei witnessed the auspicious occasion and thanked the USP Oceania Art Center for giving the two artists the opportunity to expose their talents in a public forum.

“Our rehabilitation programs is all about trying to up skill inmates in preparation for the outside world so they can make an honest living,’’ said Mr. Taukei.

“Our art gallery under the guidance of our volunteer Mrs. Jane Ricketts has been the breeding ground for some outstanding artists and we thank USP for allowing them to be a part of their programs.”

Director of the Oceania Arts Center in USP, Dr Frances Vaka’uta said Amoe and Delaibatiki’s works were outstanding and unique.

“But Amoe’s piece won because of the presentation in detail, you must look at it closely to fully appreciate and understand why this was the best painting submitted.”

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