Warning against contraband thrown over walls

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February 15, 2016
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February 22, 2016

Senior Operations officer Vitoriano Koco with the prohibited items found in a package outside the Suva remand centre. Photo: Fiji Corrections Service

THE Fiji Corrections Service has issued a stern warning to civilians against throwing contrabands over prison fences and walls.

The warning follows yet another discovery of contraband items outside the Suva remand centre early this morning.

A package containing dried leaves believed to be marijuana, a smoke pipe and a multi-charger for mobile phones was found outside the premises by corrections officers at about 1am today.

Assistant Commissioner (Operations) Jo Kulinidilo said this was a daily occurrence.

“Nearly every day we find contrabands being thrown into the premises from the outside. Sometimes the contrabands are found just outside of the wall,” he said.

“This poses a huge challenge to the officers. People are doing this every day and we would like to warn them that if they are caught, they will be apprehended and handed over to police or we will report their identities to police.”

Section 53 of the Prisons and Corrections Act 2006 states that: Any person who brings, sells or attempts by any means whatsoever to introduce into a prison, or to give to a prisoner, any prohibited article…commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2000 or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 6 months, or to both.


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