Specialised vehicles for Corrections

Naboro fencing almost complete
September 25, 2014
Happy 55th birthday Lieutenant Colonel Vasu
October 7, 2014

Lieutenent Colonel Ifereimi Vasu inspects the new vehicles with Assistant Commissioner, Superintendent Jo Kulidilo

The Commissioner of Corrections, Lieutenant Colonel Ifereimi Vasu today, commissioned two brand new specialised vehicles at the Suva Corrections Centre which will be an added boost for service delivery within the department.

In commissioning the new vehicles, Lieutenant Colonel Vasu thanked Government for athe additional budget to purchase the specialised vehicles and says that the new fleet will indeed boost the delivery of services in the 13 corrections institutions.

“The onus is now on the officers of the department to carry out our duties to the best of our abilities and make good use of the vehicles,” added Lieutenant Colonel Vasu.

The Fiji Corrections Service was granted $2.4 million in the 2014 budget for the purchasing of specialised vehicles.

The specialised vehicles include prison escort vehicles with full protection cage and gadgets, panel vans, refrigerator trucks, a steel canopy troop carrier, an all terrain vehicle as well as an ambulance for the department.

The additional vehicles will be solely dedicated for their purposes and the FCS will be receiving the remaining additional vehicles over the next two months.


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