SNCO’s and Reception officers graduate

No Looking back
August 7, 2014
2014 Hibiscus Contestants visit Korovou
August 18, 2014

Officers graduating from Naboro after an intensive four weeks course

Thirty- three Corrections officers successfully completed a four- weeks Senior Non-Commissioned Officer’s course while ten officers also completed a one- week course on Administration procedures at Naboro.

In officially closing the course, Director Rehabilitation Superintendent, Sireli Nataqa said the course enabled officers to be well equipped with skills and broaden their knowledge on the work that would be carried out within the FCS.

“Do not let this opportunity go to waste however prove your capabilities to your superiors and keep striving for excellence,” said Mr Nataqa.

“The role that you will play within your workplaces is vital as you will contribute vastly to the achievement of the FCS outputs as stipulated in our Annual Corporate Plan,” Mr. Nataqa said.

He also reiterated that training will continue for them and it is imperative that they put everything they learnt into practice.

“The implementation part is crucial as this will show your superiors that your coming to the Corrections Academy has been worthwhile.”

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