Recruits told to embrace profession

New Center for Women Commissioned
December 1, 2017
The hard work starts now, says Commander Kean
January 2, 2018

 “ I implore you all this morning, to embrace the profession you have chosen. Make it a career for yourselves, and not just a job.”

 This was part of the address the Commissioner of Corrections, Commander Francis Kean gave to the 44 new recruits during their passing out parade at the Naboro Corrections Complex on Friday, 30 November.

 Commander Kean congratulated them for enduring the 13-week training but also reminded them of the tough journey ahead.

 “You have joined a disciplined force, which is a noble profession, a higher calling, the business of saving and transforming lives.

 “It is the work of people of faith, because you and I know that only one person can do this, and without his help and guidance it is going to be a tough journey where you will encounter

 “See these roadblocks as an opportunity to grow, and advance your personal life and career in the Fiji Corrections Service,’’ he added.

 Close to 200 people comprising of family members and friends of the recruits came to watch their loved ones pass out at the event.

 Tears of joy flowed freely as people celebrated a new chapter in their lives and also of the struggles some had to endure to make the final cut.

 Twenty-two year Alivereti Ravudi’s took out the baton of honour in the presence of his family.

The 22-year-old was in tears as he described his upbringing and how he was motivated to join the FSC.

Ravudi, spent the early years of his life living between his mother and his father who had been divorced when he was only 4-years old.

“Growing up was tough, but I believe my achievements means I am ready for the Fiji Corrections Service.

Sasmuela Netzler was the other award winner having topped the theory tests in their exams.

 Also notable names in the new graduates list include Fijiana rugby player Esiteri Bulikiobo, former Flying Fijian Viliame Veikoso and Schools sprint champion and Fiji athletics rep Julian Vuetibau.

 Commander Kean also informed relatives and friends of recruits who attended that the Basic Recruit Training Program at the Fiji Corrections Service had evolved since he began his term.

 “This is my third passing out parade at the Fiji Corrections Service and we have tailor made the training program to meet the demands and the challenges of work inside the Institutions and offices.

 “This has begun from day one – from the interview process, where the young new inclusion into the Fiji Correction Service, actually had to undertake a day of attachment to a respective correctional institution.

 Commander Kean informed them that this was done to familiarise and give them a feel of the work they will undertake after they pass out.

“This is to understand and get a better feeling of the custodial work that is undertaken by the men and women officers of the Fiji Corrections Service.

 “Custodial work ladies and gentleman, is not only challenging and demanding – it is also very intimidating, that is the reason for the one day attachment, and I am sure that the one day attachment and the 13 weeks of training will put them in good stead to face the challenges, to face the demands of custodial work in their respective centers that they have been posted to.”

 “Over the last 13 weeks, I believe the instructors and guest speakers have all engrained in your thinking the superior statements of the Fiji Corrections Service, Our Vision, Our Mission, our Values and our Motto.

 “All these are centered, on rehabilitating Lives, that is the business of the Fiji Corrections Service.

 “Similarly, I trust the instructors have also addressed you of my intent for the Fiji Corrections Service for the next 5 years.

 “I advise you, to read, digest and exercise the contents of this superior document- the Commissioner’s Intent,’’ he said.

 “Our core business of Security, Safety and Through Care requires Team Work. It is an essential ingredient to the success in delivering to the expectations of Government and the citizens of this country.

 “There is high expectation on each and every one of you to deliver on this commitment; we welcome you to be part of this integral family and this team of many teams.

 Commander Kean congratulated those who received awards but advised them to always make the right choice at work.

 “Like any other  organisation, public or private – you will have the current staff influence you positively or negatively, there will no longer be instructors around to guide you to do the right thing or to make the right choices, you have to make that right choice yourself,’’ Commander Kean said.

  “Anything that needs to be kept out – keep it out of your left of arc, keep it out of your right of arc. Simply put, you the recruits this morning should live the values of the Fiji Corrections Service; of honesty, integrity, loyalty, empathy, family and leadership. I expect all of you to commit to an honest day’s work.

 “This is a simple yet powerful message. If you commit yourself to this, you will never go wrong, some of you passing out this morning – will continue with you training under our officer training course. We congratulate you for coming this far.

 Commander Kean said that the next phase of officer training for those selected would be more interesting, challenging and more demanding.

 “Finally to all you officers, men and women of the Fiji Corrections Service, i expect you all to mentor these young recruits and mentor them well.

 “These are the future leaders of the Fiji Corrections Service, we owe it to the institutions.”


List of New Recruits

  • Esiteri Bulikiobo
  • Alipate Gagabalavu
  • Penaia Nawaqabuli
  • Kalivati Tuitoga
  • Asaeli Mocenakete
  • Emosi Naivakadranu
  • Sainivalati Naio
  • Kitione Turaganivalu
  • Alivereti Ravudi
  • Epineri Sivo
  • Ashween Raj
  • Matelita Toga
  • Filimoni Ralawa
  • Faraone Nakewa
  • Latu Rokotuiwei
  • Saimoni Waibuta
  • Samuela Netzler
  • Sevanaia Qalubau
  • Apakuki Lalabalavu
  • Joeli Vuniduvu
  • Semi Babitu
  • Kiniviliame Koroi
  • Viva Roditora
  • Karalaini Qima
  • Veresa Koroisare
  • Viliame Veikoso
  • Apenisa Kalougata
  • Tevita Vakakuruivalu
  • Isoa Logavatu
  • Penasio Kunabuli
  • Julian Vuetibau
  • Epineri Dalituicama
  • Eliki Wye
  • Lasarusa Nukutabu
  • Asaeli Tuivuaka
  • Timoci Nawasa
  • Osea Lagivala
  • Javed Khan
  • Jitoko Waqabaca
  • Amenavasu Turner
  • Jeremaia Nadakuitavuki
  • Savirio Avoro
  • Apenisa  Ratulevu
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