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Senior management of FCS at the National Headquarters church service on Sunday.

Officers and family members of National Headquarters (NHQ) gathered this morning at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Suva for their first church service for the year.

In his sermon this morning, Reverend Malakai Tuikadavu from the Navuso Agriculture and Vocational Institute reminded the congregation that it is important when moving forward to leave all selfish acts behind.

“I urge you all to work together as a team and carry out your roles diligently and effectively,” said Reverend Tuikadavu.

“Learn to also follow God in whatever you do and you will always find peace of heart and mind,” he added.
Supervisor Headquarters, Mr Lemeki Rokovesa said this is the first church service for the year and different units of National Headquarters will be leading each time.”Learn to also follow God in whatever you do and you will always find peace of heart and mind,” he added.

Supervisor Headquarters, Mr.Lemeki Rokovesa said this is the first church service for the year whereby different units will be leading the service each time.

β€œIt is also paramount that you work together and lead by example for the other divisions within the department, β€œsaid Mr. Rokovesa.

The service end with a morning tea which was served by officers of the Rehabilitation Unit.


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