New recruits march into Naboro

Intensive training comes to an end
October 31, 2014
PNG Minister amazed at inmates skills
November 6, 2014

New recruits await orders at the Suva Corrections Centre before departing for a four months intensive training in Naboro.

153 young men and women marched into the Naboro Corrections Academy yesterday, for a four months intensive training.

The recruits will undergo theory as well as practical lessons on all the operation work of the Fiji Corrections Service.

Recruits from as far as the Northern Division have been given a chance to join the FCS as corrections officers and after the final graduation, will be posted to the 13 corrections institutions around the country.

The new recruits will also boost the man power of the FCS.

Meanwhile, the 2014 intake of 31 women is the largest intake so far.

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