Nagonenicolo youths encouraged to abide by the law.

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August 20, 2014
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Asst YRP Co-ordinator, Jale Vosadrau and Corrections Officer, Raijeli Daveua in Nakorosule yesterday.

Fiji Corrections Service (FCS) officers encouraged over 100 youths of the District of Nagonenicolo to be law abiding citizens if they did not want to end up behind bars.

Community Liaison officer for the FCS, Sitiveni Raitamata told the youths at Nakorosule  Village in Naitaisiri yesterday to always make the right decisions in life.

“It is imperative that as youths, you need to understand the decisions that you make that will have an effect in your lives,” said Mr. Raitamata.

“We currently have a have a total of 941 inmates behind bars that belong to the youth category and that is from the ages of 16-35 years old. We do not want the numbers to increase so we hope that you will work hard and continue to strive towards successful living,” added Mr.Raitamata.

Youths of Nagonenicolo have been encouraged to continue to use their God-given resources like the land to earn a decent living.

Youths were also reminded to continue to support the FCS through its Yellow Ribbon Project in giving ex-offenders a second chance once they are re-integrated back into their communities and families.

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