Musu Dovu Operations begin

Inmates, personnel and family receive second jab
October 1, 2021
FCS masks up!
October 1, 2021

30 July, 2021

The Fiji Corrections Service went ahead with its Musu Dovu Operations in the midst of the pandemic to help struggling farmers make a living and to contribute towards the Government’s coffers.

After following through with strict isolation and vaccination protocols for both inmates and FCS Personnel, they finally began the movement down to Rakiraki and Tavua in late June where the temporary Prisons are located.

Deputy Commissioner of Corrections Senior Superintendent Apakuki Qura it was important to stick to the cane cutting calendar because it was a win-win situation for farmers, the Government who depend on the industry and also for the inmates who get to earn some money as well.

“This is an opportunity inmates look forward to every year because they get to earn some money and at the same time contribute to the Economy,’’ said SSPT Qura.

“We have our own strict protocols to observe also to keep our own safe so they only travel from their Prison camps in either Tavua or Rakiraki to the farms and back – there is strictly no contact with the public.”

“At the moment we have a team of 24 working on farms in Rakiraki and team of 14 working from our Tavua base and a total of 20 personnel to look after them which also includes our K9 unit for their security.”

The Operations are scheduled to seize in December.

The FCS has been providing this much needed support for the sugar industry since 2016.

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