Life of discipline and honour

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May 25th, 2018

WITHOUT discipline, there is no life at all said the outgoing Deputy Commissioner of Corrections Joe Kulinidilo at his farewell recently at the Naboro Complex.

A veteran of 38- working years in the Service, Supt Kulinidilo said that was the only thing that helped him achieve his goals while working as a Corrections Officer.

“I never thought that one day I would be holding this position,’’ he said in his farewell speech.

“But looking back all I can recall is that I was always disciplined and always listened to instructions even if I liked it or not.

“I entered this profession as a young man fresh out of high school, and it has set me up for life because all I did was I listened to instructions and was loyal to whoever was in charge.”

“This I believe was only possible because I was disciplined enough to take on the tasks without complaints or without giving up.”

Commissioner of Corrections Commander Francis Kean said it was a very hard day for him to say farewell to some

one like Supt Kulinidilo. .

“Today is a very hard day for me because we have to say farewell to someone who in my mind is the way a corrections officer and leader should be like,’’ said Commander Kean.

“If I was to describe Deputy Kulidilo, I would say he is a very honourable man, a very honourable officer and it is a quality that is very hard to find in the disciplined services today.”

Commander Kean used the example of Kulinidilo as the kind of person one would trust in any given situation because of the honour and loyalty he had.

“I wish you and your family well in your future endeavours, and on behalf of the men and women of the Fiji  Corrections Services we thank you and especially your family for the years you have all endured with us to ensure the standards are kept at FCS.”

Supt Kulinidilo SSP Kulinidilo is a career corrections officer who joined the Service on May 10, 1980.

He  was appointed into the position of Deputy Commissioner  on April 4, 2016 to oversee the Operations, Administrations, Logistic Services, Budget and Capital Projects which include the overall monitoring, reporting and performance of the organisation though the Strategic Framework for Change and Coordinating office.

He also had overall oversight for Commercial Operation of the Trade and Manufacturing Accounts (TMA).

Previous appointments include the Assistant Commissioner of Operations. He was also the Officer in Charge of the Emergency Control Unit for a long time (a specialized branch of the FCS.)

He has worked throughout many of the institutions around Fiji as a custodial officer, Duty Officer, Senior Operations Officer, Officer in Charge, as a Supervisor up to the post of Assistant Commissioner through the years.

He has also been a central core member of the Fiji Corrections Service rugby teams over the years in an official capacity.

“I did not dream that one day I would achieve all these things,’’ he said.

“All I can leave with you today is the advice on disciplining yourself and loyalty to the chair of the Commissioner, no matter who the Commissioner of the day is.”

“These things will take you far in life.”

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