Intensive training comes to an end

Prime Minister’s trophy tours corrections facilities
October 31, 2014
New recruits march into Naboro
November 4, 2014

The graduating NCO's and senior officers with their certificates and the Prime Minister's Award.

Seventeen officers graduated this afternoon at the Corrections Academy in Naboro after completing a five weeks Corrections Officer Class A Development Course.

In addressing the officers, Senior Operations Officer (National Headquarters), Assistant Superintendent Seremaia Baikeiyasawa said that the five weeks training was meant to tone their skills as well as help them master the art of being a non commissioned officer (NCO).

“The organisation will depend on you on you a lot as you are the backbone of any disciplined force,” said Mr. Baikeiyasawa.

“By now, you should be able to execute your duties as NCO’s efficiently and the Fiji Corrections Service (FCS)  expects changes to the organisation through you as you carry out your roles,” he added.

Mr Baikeiyasawa also added that as NCO’s, the officers will be challenged daily by men and women under command but they must continue to execute their duties in an efficient manner.

“This is an opportunity for you to lift up the standards of the department as well as uplift the image of the organisation.”

He also went on to say that the department will rely on the graduating officers to be agents of change to the organisation as the department continues to strive and sustain the achievements that have been attained so far.

The Training Unit of the FCS have so far, conducted a total of eight workshops for officers for this year alone.

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