FCS Undergoes Corporate Planning Exercise

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23 April, 2024

The Commissioner of Corrections Dr Jalesi Nakarawa and the Deputy Commissioner of Corrections Auta Moceisuva today began deliberations with Senior Officers.

This is in line with plans to begin the internal restructure of the Fiji Corrections Service.

“Today’s proceedings is for us to come together, to sit and discuss ways and means to move the organization into the future but with your input, this is not something I or your Command group can do alone,’’ said Dr Nakarawa in his opening address.

The full day workshop brought together all Officers in Charge, Heads of Departments and Divisional Supervisors for a more thorough and methodical approach at reviewing its own policies, strategies and operations from the ground up.

“There are always opportunities to review and relook at what we have been doing and first and foremost I would like to attend to the Fiji Corrections Act which governs our roles and duties as mandated by the Government,’’ Dr Nakarawa adds.

Dr Nakarawa, a former Law Associate Professor of the Fiji National University says some of the provisions in the current Act is out dated and also does not fully protect a Corrections Officer and these amongst other areas of the Act must be reviewed.

Deputy Commissioner Auta Moceisuva also shared to the forum that only when a Policy or Regulation is implemented then you will know how applicable it is at the ground level.

“This is why we must always look back, review and see what we can improve on so that we become better in terms of our service delivery.

The meeting focused on areas of Operations and Rehabilitation, Staff Training, Opportunities in the Business Enterprises, and threats to Customer Service.


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