FCS to take in additional 105 officers

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Hoping to join the FCS....Applicants await their turn for interview at the Suva Corrections Centre

In a bid to boost manpower, the Fiji Corrections Service conducted a recruitment drive on the 29th and 30th of August.

There was a huge response from applicants around the country but only 1090 were selected to go through the interview process.

A Required Fitness Level (RFL) exercise was carried out on the 29th and the face to face interview was carried out on the 30th of August at the Suva Corrections office in Korovou.

For the Central/Eastern and Western Division, five hundred and fifty six young men and women went through the interview process for the Basic Recruit Course intake for 2014 after successfully passing their RFL exercise.

Applicants from the Northern Division will have their interview conducted on the 2nd and 3rd of September, 2014.

Names of those who have gone through will be published in the dailies later this month.

Government had approved a budget of $315,000.00 for three recruitment intakes for the FCS and the first was carried out in 2012.


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