FCS takes precautions for Measles Outbreak

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09 December, 2019

The Fiji Corrections Service (FCS) has taken proactive steps to prevent the spread of measles in its Correction Centers by ensuring that all prisoners are immunized.

This stance is in support of the frequent warnings that have been disseminated by the Ministry of Health in relation to mass gatherings and the cautionary advice of movements particularly to the Central Eastern Division.

The nature of our Correction Centers warranted this proactive stance by FCS to prevent the outbreak of measles in our prisons.

The Commissioner of Corrections, Commander Francis Kean has confirmed that liaison with the Chief Registrar’s Office on movement of prisoners from the Western and Northern Division for court cases in the Central Eastern Division is to be ceased and adjourned to mid-January until such time further advice from the Ministry of Health is received.

Court movements from the Southern and Central Eastern Division excluding Levuka will continue as per productions orders from the Courts. Commander Kean confirmed that currently all prisoners around Fiji including Corrections personnel plus their families have all been immunized.

Commander Kean stated that their only task now is to ensure that all new admissions into our Corrections Centers for both convicts and remand prisoner are administered the necessary vaccine if they have not been immunized.

Commander Kean is thankful to the Ministry of Health for their support towards ensuring the safety and well-being of all Corrections personnel, their families and all prisoners with the supply of vaccines.

Commander Kean has requested all visitors to any of the Correction Centers to please take along proof of their immunization in order to be eligible for visiting.

This includes those from the legal profession who frequently visit clients under our care plus all other visitors.

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