FCS remits $100k to government

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MORE than $100,000 was today given in remittance by the Fiji Corrections Service to the Ministry of Finance.

This is the first such return the FCS is making since the inception of its Trading and Manufacturing Account in 2009.
Present at the FCS headquarters to receive the cheque of $103,000 today were Ministry of Finance senior officials including deputy secretary Isikeli Voceduadua, Salote Madanavosa and Jolame Delana.
Handing over the cheque, FCS Acting Commissioner Kameli Ratuvakalevulevu said the remittance was a historic achievement that reflected the value of teamwork.
“We are grateful for the government’s support. The government gave us $200,000 in 2009 for the TMA and we are very glad that we are finally able to make a return of $103,000 as a result of the successful operations of the TMA,” he said.
Mr Ratuvakalevulevu also acknowledged those who had worked hard to make the TMA a success including the inmates and prison officers.
FCS chief logistics officer Malakai Cakau who took over the TMA last April said it had great potential to do better.
“Over the years we were unable to break even. We have a ceiling of $200,000 every year and this is the first time we have been able to go beyond that so the excess is what we are giving in remittance to the government,” he said.
Under the TMA, the FCS operates an array of businesses such as joinery, garments, bakery, poultry, piggery and crop farming.
Mr Voceduadua said they were impressed with the progress of the FCS TMA.
“Revenue has increased, likewise expenditure, and we are impressed. At the same time, the operators of the TMA need to be mindful of internal controls and ensure that it is properly managed,” he said.

Inmates assigned to work for the FCS small business units are paid however they are only permitted to access the money upon completion of their sentence and discharge from the corrections facility.

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