FCS farewells a National Hero

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18 September, 2020  

He was dubbed by rugby followers and experts as the true Lion Heart. A man who punched above his own weight and never shied away from any challenging situation.

He was small physically but took down man twice his size.

“He was always known for his tackling, he was a hard hitter,’’ says his team mate and former work mate in the FCS and former national 7s coach Josateki Savou.

“He was one player we had to look out for when we had the ball on attack and he was on the opposite side.”

The 50-year old man from Serea in Naitasiri passed away after a short illness at the Colonial War Memorial Hospital on September 10, 2020. He was laid to rest on Wednesday, 16 Sept in the presence of close friends, work colleagues, former and current rugby players and his family at Nasinu Cemetary.

In the Fiji Corrections Force, he was recognized as a cheerful but hardworking and committed individual who always put his family, his work and his rugby first as his most prized possessions.

He enlisted into the FCS on 29 September, 1986 after completing his education at Nasinu Secondary School. During his career, he served as Officer in Charge of Levuka Corrections Center, Duty Officer in Suva Corrections, Suva Remand, as an Emergency Control Unit personnel, Duty Officer in Nasinu,  Medium CC and also at Minimum CC.

He was a proud Naitasiri man whose passing came as a great shock to many as he had impacted so many in his 50 years.

Koroi is well known for scoring two-tries that won the Fiji the Melrose Cup in 1997 in Hong Kong under the leadership of Waisale Serevi and Jope Tuikabe.

Former national captain Sale Sorovaki who delivered the eulogy on behalf of the Fiji Rugby Union said his jovial character was one that often brought out smiles and fits of laughter on a rainy day during their rugby tours.

During his passing he was the Chief Officer at the Minimum Corrections Center under the leadership of former national rep and kin Sailosi Naiteqe.

Mr Naiteqe delivered an emotional eulogy on behalf of the Fiji Corrections Service.

“Koroi was not only my workmate, an older brother and most of all a close friend and family. His passing was not an easy one to accept, he was a gentleman, was always happy and had a cheerful spirit. All who knew him, know his gentle behavior and his sense of humour,’’ he said in a Fiji Sun report.

Koroi was survived by wife, Elesi Adiramusu Koroi and daughters Miliana and Mereoni Koroi.

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