FCS delegates return from APCCA meet

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Lt.Colonel Ifereimi Vasu, Commissioner of Corrections in Canada, Mr Don Head with senior officers of the FCS in Canada for the APCCA Meet.

The Commissioner of Corrections, Lieutenant Colonel Ifereimi Vasu and four senior officers of the Fiji Corrections Service returned earlier this week from Victoria, British Columbia after attending the 34th Asia and Pacific Conference of Correctional Administrators (APCCA) on the 7th-12th of September, 2014.

With the theme of ‘Enhancing Public Safety Through the Correctional Continuum’ ,  the conference was attended by Corrections administrators and senior officers from 20 different countries in the Asia Pacific region.

Host, Mr.Don Head, the Commissioner of Correctional Service of Canada said that all countries represented want to work towards the future.

“We share similar challenges in trying to achieve the right balance between the delivery of correctional programs and interventions and public safety. The 2014 theme for the APCCA meet was intended to represent how the development of key strategies and appropriate correctional interventions can positively impact on public safety,” said Mr. Head.

The Fiji Corrections Service delegates presented on all the five agenda’s during the conference and discussed thoroughly on Challenges and Initiatives in Corrections; How can Correctional Services Department Achieve Efficiencies and Public Safety Outcomes by 2020; Training, Motivating and Developing Staff for their Changing Roles; Meeting Challenges faced by Young Offenders and Managing the Release of Prisoners and Engaging the Community.


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