FCS announces reduced Recidivism rate

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 Fri 10 Aug, 18

 The Commisioner of Corrections Commander Francis Kean in special press conference today made two special announcements.

“”We are here this morning to enlighten you on a milestone achievement for Fiji Corrections Service rehabilitation efforts plus signing of MOUs with two provinces of Rewa and Namosi. The latter again reinforcing and strongly supporting the rehabilitation efforts of FCS,’’ Commander Kean said.

Commander Kean revealed the reduction in recidivism rate for the year ending 31 July 2018 as at 1.5% which is equivalent to 27 persons compared to the last reporting period which was 4.78% an equal of 72 persons.

“This 1.5% is the lowest recidivism rate over the past ten years,’’ he said.

“This achievement is a collective effort of all stakeholders and we extend our highest appreciation to the all the religious organisations, rehabilitation program providers, volunteers, the vanua,  the community, private and public sector, non goverment organisations that work with FCS, Government, family, friends plus the Officers, men and women of the FCS.

“Similarly, we would like to commend those that have been discharged from our care and taken onboard the key messages of rehabilitation that has been imparted to them and charting a new course in life.”

Also present at the announcement were the program providers from the private sector, faith based organisations, NGOs and representatives from the Vanua of Rewa and Namosi.

“It is imperative that we continue to work together as a team of many teams to reduce this statistic to zero. This calls for a whole of nation effort and we at FCS together with our current stakeholders plead to all who can make a differencein the lives of those incarcerated, to join us in our mission of restoring lives.”

In 2017,the FCS reviewed and changed its strategy of Incare to Throughcare. This strategy of Throughcare means taking the delivery of rehabilitation to the doorsteps of all prisoners whilst they are incarcerated and also when they are discharged. Previously under the Incare strategy, all rehabilitation efforts ended at the correction centre gates.

“The Throughcare Strategy requires commitment and sacrifice from FCS personnel and I wish to commend the diligent efforts all my Officers, men and women.”

“This Throughcare strategy works in tandem with the establishment of Care Networks in our 14 provinces. Today we witnessed the signng of  MOU’s with the province of Namosi and Rewa.”

Commander Kean thanked the two provinces for their partnership in the  rehabilitation efforts adding that the FCS was already in the process of engagagement with other provinces and looked forward to partnering with them in this new financial year.
Rewa Care Committee Chairman Dona Takaleiyale said the milestone event was a reflection of the hard work conducted by the FCS.

“We are happy that this has been formalized today as this was an undertaking we had promised to take on way back in 2010. Signing this MOU means we will take ownership now of our work concerning inmates from Rewa, and work will begin 12-months from when they will be released as we try to set up the conditions at his home and community before they are released,’’ he said.

Namosi Care Committee Chairman Ratu Romanu Matanitobua said “We thank the Fiji Corrections Service for their vision and also for inviting us to work with them. A lot of times rehabilitation for inmates falls short because conditions at home or in the village do not suit their return to normalcy.”

“What we have done today is to ensure that we work with the FCS in trying to set up things in the village and with their respective families so they can be reintegrated back into society gradually,’’ he added.

The FCS will also be hosting a Yellow Ribbon Symposium for the Methodist Church in the second week of August. The intent is not only to restrict this Care Network to the Vanua but also extend its partnership to the various religious organisations and communities.



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