Farewell Comrades!

New Life Exhibition a big hit
April 15, 2021
Inmates, personnel and family receive second jab
October 1, 2021

April 18, 2021

Retiring will be something I will have to get used, Principal Corrections Officer Luna Panapasa used to tell his colleagues.

Many did not realize the reason he said this was because he had lived his whole life in and around the Fiji Corrections Service compound.

“Fiji Corrections has been my whole life until today,” Mr Panapasa shared as he was fare welled from the Service with two other colleagues in March this year.


Mr Panapasa’s later father was a Corrections Officer, he also met and married his sweet heart, the current Assistant Commissioner Senior Superintendent Salote Naulivou Panapasa when he enlisted into the service in July, 1990.

Early this year in April, he was fare welled alongside three other colleagues who have also served many years in the FCS.

Corrections Officer Class B (COB) Eparama Rokodrava, enlisted in December 1993 and COB Arieta Vosadrau who enlisted on July 13 1986, also shared that after lifetime of working – life will not be the same.

Mrs Vosadrau said that their whole life has been built around the blessings they had received while working in the Service.

“For 35 years, this has been my life and we, all of us here today leave behind many memories both special and tough ones and we also leave behind friends we have bonded with over many years.”

COB Rokodrava said the life of a Corrections personnel was one of Service and he was glad he can look back at a career that has given his life meaning.

“It is tough work, but it is work that you signed up for and build your life around.

“It’s a life of service.”

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