Emergency Control Unit walks away with 7’s trophy

Students awarded for excellence
February 10, 2015
National planning reps touch base with FCS
January 27, 2016

ECU Captain Risiate Tadulala with the 7's trophy after winning at the recent Inter-Unit Tournament.

The Inter-Unit tournament for 2015 was held at the Veiuto Grounds on Saturday 7th of February.

More than 16 teams from the 13 institutions around the country competed in the sevens rugby competition while six teams competed in the netball competition.

In opening the one day tournament, FCS Chaplain, Sainivalati Sokiveta reminded the participants that comradeship on and off the field is paramount.

“You must continue to maintain discipline and show everyone around you that you are a professional on and off the field,” said Mr Sokiveta.

He also wished all the teams the best of luck.

The end of the day saw Nasinu walk away with the Best Dressed Uniform, The West team walked away with the Veterans Trophy. The main prize this year and victors of the sevens competition went to the Emergency Control Unit (ECU) based in Naboro whilst the netball trophy went to Academy One.


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