Damage recorded to Ba, Lautoka facilities

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February 22, 2016
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February 29, 2016

DAMAGE to the Lautoka and Ba corrections facilities as a result of Severe TC Winston have been deemed minimal.

Fiji Corrections Service acting Commissioner Kameli Rauvakalevulevu visited the centres on Sunday to assess the extent of damage caused by the cyclone.

“There was no significant damage to the facilities in Suva but there was some damage to the Lautoka and Ba centres. We’ve assessed the damage and the information received from all FCS centres will be compiled into a report and submitted to the National Planning Office,” he said.

Mr Ratuvakalevulevu said they had yet to establish contact with their officers in Taveuni to determine how the centre fared at the height of TC Winston.

Damage to the farms at both centres, however, have been deemed significant with all root crops, vegetables and fruiting trees ruined as a result of the strong winds and rainfall associated with the cyclone.


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