October 12, 2017
A Day of Reflection
October 18, 2017

THE Deputy Commissioner Corrections Jo Kulinidilo on Friday, 13 October, 2017,  launched a new Shield that will be challenged annually by the Fiji Corrections Service and National Fire Authority rugby teams.

This inaugural annual Rugby Challenge match is a prelude to the Fiji Corrections Day and is geared towards strengthening the working relationship between both organisations. This much awaited rugby match will be played on Wednesday, 18 October at Nasova Ground kicking off at 10am.

Deputy Commissioner Kulinidilo said “that this challenge match is a prelude to their first celebration of Corrections Day. The Fiji Corrections Service is one of the oldest institutions in Fiji, having been established soon after cession in October 1874.”

FCS will be celebrating Corrections Days on Wednesday, 18 October.

“We are thankful to the Commissioner, Commander Kean for generously donating a shield to be fought annually by both Organisations.” Deputy Commissioner Kulinidilo stated, “that it  was only fitting to identify this annual challenge match as the Commander Kean Challenge Shield as he had served five years as Chairman of the National Authority Board and now our Commissioner.”

Chief Fire Officer Mr Qionilau Mocetai, shared similar sentiments with Mr Kulinidilo on the momentous occasion of this challenge match. Commander Kean had made significant contributions to the transformation at NFA since 2012 hence our eagerness to do well on Wednesday.

CFO Mocetai stated, “our fire rugby players are training well and have been in camp for the past two weeks in anticipation for this inaugural grudge match.”

He added that NFA will be out in full strength to win this first challenge rugby match.

DCC Kulidilo says such a celebration would not be complete without a rugby challenge who have been stalwarts for the champion Namosi Rugby Union.

The game is scheduled for 10am at Nasova Grounds, following the match, the focus will then shift to the Naboro Corrections Complex where the Corrections Day celebrations is scheduled for 2pm.

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