APCCA closes on a high note

Attitude and Heart – A SUCCESS STORY
October 31, 2017
Blooming Inside – A Yellow Ribbon Project
November 30, 2017

The 37th Asia and Pacific Conference of Correctional Administrators hosted by the Fiji Corrections Service from November 6-9 at Sofitel, Nadi has been hailed a great success.

The event was attended by delegates from 23 Countries from the Asia-Pacific Region and also included local delegates from the disciplined services, faith based organisations and NGOs.

Over 115 people in total attended the 4-day conference which included a tour of the FCS Lautoka Institution and a tour of the historic Viseisei Village.

Chief Guest, the Acting Prime Minister and Minister for Employment, Productivity & Industrial Relations, the Hon. Jone Usamate in his closing address said the meeting was the perfect platform to share ideas and resources on matters concerning rehabilitation.

“This conference has been a platform for you to meet, share ideas and expertise on correctional and rehabilitative matters. You have – and that is always useful, not only for reflection but also for benchmarking.

“You have also covered a range of topical areas to help you progress your national administrations,’’ Mr Usamate said.

“I know that is a lot you have learnt through all the sessions. I note in particular the topic of restorative justice that you have discussed this morning.

“That has always been something of interest to me and I know that has a lot of merit in your field of endeavour.”

Mr Usamate compared the work of Corrections to the work the Prime Minister of Fiji, Voreqe Bainimarama was doing in spearheading the COP23 Movement in Bonn, Germany this week.

“That meeting is also focused on rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of the earth. That is an enormous challenge — to rehabilitate the planet; to fix the damage we human beings have done to this planet.”

“Rehabilitation of human beings is your business. I do not profess to know too much about rehabilitation, but I do know that it has moved on significantly from just being about punishing people for crimes or just for reclusion. Today, there is a stronger approach to help people become better people.”

Rapporteurs for APCCA, Prof. Neil and Ms. Irene Morgan hailed the efforts and leadership of FCS Commissioner Commander Francis Kean and his staff for a very successful event.

“There has been a lot of fruitful discussions and the meeting was professionally organised, plus the hospitality shown to us by the FCS Staff was excellent,’’ said Prof Neil Morgan.

“I think it says a lot about the leadership they have under Commander Kean and we are excited about the outcomes of this conference and the things to expect in future.”

In his vote of thanks Commissioner of Corrections Commander Francis Kean thanked the Conference for having faith in Fiji to host the event.

“On behalf of my staff and on behalf of our Government we would like to thank you for having faith in us to deliver this event. We also thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to attend this conference,’’ Commander Kean said.

Commander Kean also thanked the Chief Guest for his commitment towars APCCA and for always investing in leadership programs for FCS.

He also paid tribute to the local delegates whose attendance he said had bridged a huge gap in the efforts of FCS to adopt an all nation approach towards rehabilitation.

“As you would have heard in the last few days, the work of rehabilitating people is not a Corrections job alone – it requires the work of the whole nation.”

The event culminated with the handing over of the APCCA Symbols to Malaysian Commissioner of Corrections Dato Sri Zulkifi Bin Omar who will be hosting next year’s event.

The next four hosts have also been confirmed as follows;

Mongolia 2019

Singapore 2020

Republic of Korea 2021

Indonesia 2022.

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