December 5, 2017

Recruits told to embrace profession

 “ I implore you all this morning, to embrace the profession you have chosen. Make it a career for yourselves, and not just a job.”  This […]
December 1, 2017

New Center for Women Commissioned

The new Lautoka Women’s Corrections Center will help improve support for inmates whose families could not visit them in the past due to them being far […]
November 30, 2017

Blooming Inside – A Yellow Ribbon Project

November 9, 2017

APCCA closes on a high note

The 37th Asia and Pacific Conference of Correctional Administrators hosted by the Fiji Corrections Service from November 6-9 at Sofitel, Nadi has been hailed a great […]
October 31, 2017

Attitude and Heart – A SUCCESS STORY

The success in the rehabilitation of an ex-offender has often been largely attributed to how he or she is accepted back into his home and his […]
October 31, 2017

Hundreds attend Yellow Ribbon Walk

Hundreds of people from all walks of life, from the disciplined services, NGOs, hotel industry, families of former and current inmates joined the Fiji Corrections Services […]
October 18, 2017

Wardens win Commander FB Kean Challenge Shield

Wardens became the first team to stamp their name on the Commander FB Kean Shield during Corrections Day in Nasova on Wednesday, Oct 18. The winning […]
October 18, 2017

A Day of Reflection

The Commander of the Royal Fiji Military Forces, Rear Admiral Viliame Naupoto challenged members of the Fiji Corrections Service to re-dedicate themselves to excellence for the […]
October 16, 2017


THE Deputy Commissioner Corrections Jo Kulinidilo on Friday, 13 October, 2017,  launched a new Shield that will be challenged annually by the Fiji Corrections Service and […]
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