February 29, 2016

Clean up progresses ahead of time

THE progress of clean up by teams of officers of the Fiji Corrections Service and inmates has been applauded by school principals, provincial leaders and members […]
February 29, 2016

More inmates, officers deployed to clean up schools, towns, villages

A TOTAL of 227 inmates and 124 officers are now actively involved in the clean up of schools and other public places around the country. A […]
February 29, 2016

Rebuilding Fiji – unsung heroes extend a helping hand

MORE than 100 inmates have been assigned to clean up schools and other areas around the country. The Fiji Corrections Service has also released about 100 […]
February 22, 2016

Damage recorded to Ba, Lautoka facilities

DAMAGE to the Lautoka and Ba corrections facilities as a result of Severe TC Winston have been deemed minimal. Fiji Corrections Service acting Commissioner Kameli Rauvakalevulevu […]
February 22, 2016

New block to ease congestion at Lautoka Remand Centre

OVERCROWDING will soon be a thing of the past for the Lautoka Remand Centre as the Fiji Corrections Service works to address the issue. Setting the […]
February 15, 2016

Warning against contraband thrown over walls

THE Fiji Corrections Service has issued a stern warning to civilians against throwing contrabands over prison fences and walls. The warning follows yet another discovery of […]
February 15, 2016

FCS remits $100k to government

MORE than $100,000 was today given in remittance by the Fiji Corrections Service to the Ministry of Finance. This is the first such return the FCS […]
February 5, 2016

Education assistance for students

FIVE students were today the recipients of an education assistance initiative by the Fiji Corrections Service. The students – children of FCS officers – are selected […]
February 5, 2016

French and Chinese language courses for officers

EIGHT officers today commenced a French learning course at the Alliance Francaise in Suva. Assistant Commissioner (Administration) Apimeleki Taukei said the course was mainly to upskill […]
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