2014 Hibiscus Contestants visit Korovou

SNCO’s and Reception officers graduate
August 13, 2014
Reception officers course at Korovou
August 20, 2014

FCS officers with the 2014 Hibiscus Kings and Queens at Korovou, Suva

The 2014 Vodafone Hibiscus Kings and Queens visited the Suva Corrections Institution this morning and got a firsthand look into life behind bars.

The queen contestants were moved to tears as they met with female inmates at the Women’s Corrections Institution.

Speaking to the contestants, Yellow Ribbon Project coordinator, Assistant Superintendent Isireli Dausiga said that it is imperative for them to understand the plight of these inmates as the Fiji Corrections Service  (FCS) officers work towards changing them to become better citizens.

“We hope that your visit today will be a meaningful one and that you will go back with a changed mindset of life behind bars,” added Mr. Dausiga.

Contestants also visited the Tagimoucia Art Gallery where paintings and mosaic art work created by inmates are displayed.

Deputy Commissioner of Corrections, Superintendent Akuila Namakadre thanked the 2014 Hibiscus Committee for choosing the FCS  to be part of the weeklong program for the contestants.

“The FCS has been proudly associated with the Hibiscus Festival for seven years and we are excited again this year to host the contestants to a tour around the Suva Corrections Institute as well as the Tagimoucia Art Gallery,” added Mr. Namakadre.

The contestants were then hosted to morning tea as well as entertainment from the Fiji Corrections Service Band.


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