153 recruits welcomed into FCS Family

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Recruits at the church service at the Civic Centre in Suva

153 new recruits were welcomed into the Fiji Corrections Service family during a church service this morning at the Civic Centre.

In speaking to the recruits, Commissioner of Corrections, Lieutenant Colonel Ifereimi Vasu reminded the recruits that the next four months will not be a picnic but will require a lot of sacrifices and hard work.

“Your training will come in phases and I must remind you all that in order to graduate with flying colours, a lot is required of you,” added Mr Vasu.

He also pleaded with the parents and guardians that were present at the church service to also advise their children in the months ahead.

“The training instructors cannot do this alone and will need you to also guide them and speak to them on the important tasks ahead of them,” he added.

Principal of Navuso Agriculture School, Reverend Malakai Tuikadavu delivered the sermon yesterday and challenged the recruits to always be humble.

“You need to be humble at all times, because only then will you be able to fulfil God’s purpose in your lives.”

The 153 recruits will undergo a four months intensive training before graduating and posted to the 13 institutions around the country.

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